It is definitely a fact that Architecture plays a very important role, also in the design of my Art works and is reflected in them. I implement the same procedure that I used in architecture to design a project, starting with the study of the place where the sculpture will be placed, whether a city, town, open space, mountain, seashore, etc. According to the place, I choose the subject, which I also study. In the case of an animal, I study it’s shape, size, it’s movements, it’s function in nature, it’s symbolic meaning not only in history, but also in legends and the meaning in different cultures. Then I establish it’s size so that the work is harmonious and proportionate to reality. I proceed in the same way for all my other works, whether they are plants, animals or people. As I work with hard metal, I need to make drawings with a program, (as in architecture with Autocad) so that the steel plates can be cut with laser. Subsequently, I make the necessary calculations in order to choose the different thicknesses of the sheets or plates, so that the sculpture is resistant to weights, winds, etc. Finaly to finish the work I control the folds and curvatures and how the different plates will be assembled.
Since many of my works have been commissioned by local authorities and are exhibited in public places, I
know that the most important thing of all, is that sculptures in public places must be safe and
not dangerous for the public; reason why my sculptures have no sharp edges and the edges are blunted.
As I have worked for different public places, I work with different themes. I study the history, problems, traditions, flora and fauna of each place to be able to create a work that fits the place. If the city is on the seashore, I will make fish, mollusks, etc.; In the case of a city in the mountains, I will make skiers or mountain animals. I always think of making a sculpture suitable for each place.
Basically I create works that my imagination and heart dictate me, for the exhibitions and Art Fairs to which I am invitedto but I also work on behalf of my direct clients, gallerists, municipalities and governments. I also create works that my imagination and heart dictate me, for the exhibitions and Art Fairs to which I am invited. I believe that "nature is the greatest and most incomparable work of art", so I created a symbolic metamorphosis from an inert product into "living" sculptures. These sculptures, thanks to the reflective properties of the materials with which they are made of, reflect the surrounding environment and shine under the sun's rays and some of them move with the wind. Nature, the sense of freedom, mythology, femininity and spirituality are what inspired me for my works. All of my sculptures have a meaning and are unique, meaning that I don’t duplicate a work. Art is my passion and with my sculptures, I want to bring light and joy.